1. Introduction

In algebraic topology, we wish to use tools from abstract algebra to help us classify topological spaces up to homomorphism by way of algebraic invariants. One way to do this is through chracteristic classes. In this paper, we will give a basic roadmap to an axiomatic approach to Stiefel-Whitney classes. We will first study vector bundles and then cohomology groups which will then be combined to discover characteristic classes. After giving some applications and examples, mainly about Stiefel-Whitney numbers, we hope to motivate the study of other characteristic classes such as the Chern or Pontrjagin classes.

2. Vector Bundles

Vector bundles are important to the study of topological spaces as they give a precise idea about families of vector spaces parametrized by some other space. Through their applications, we can find deeper properties about the spaces themselves and also maps between spaces. (maybe something on finitely generated projective modules)

Definition 1. A real vector bundle ξ over B consists of the following:

  1. A topological space E = E(ξ) called the total space;

  2. A continuous map π : E B called the projection map;

  3. For each b B, the structure of a vector space over the real numbers in the set π-1(b).

We can think of vector bundles visually as some bridging structure defined by the projection map from one space to another. To help digest this definition, let us give some simple examples starting off with the trivial bundle.

Example 1. The trivial bundle with total space B × n, with projection map π(b,x) = b, and with the vector space structures in the fibers defined by

t(b,x )+ t (b,x ) = (b,t x + t x ),
1    1    2    2       1 1   2 2

will be denoted by ϵBn.

Example 2. The tangent bundle τM of a smooth manifold M has the total space DM consisting of all pairs (x,v) with x M and v tangent to M at x. The projection map is defined by π(x,v) = x and the vector space structure in π-1(x) is defined by

t1(x,v1)+  t2(x,v2) = (x, t1v1 + t2v2).

vector fields are sections of vector bundles

Example 3. The normal bundle of a smooth manifold M n has the total space E M × n, which is the set of all pairs (x,v) such that v is orthogonal to the tangent space DMX. The projection map and the vector space structure is similarly defined as the tangent bundle.

Below is a hand-drawing from Milnor-Stasheff [MilnorStasheff] to help visualize these examples.


There is much to learn about vector bundles, but for the sake of this paper, we will give only a fraction of the important definitions.

Definition 2. Two vector bundles, ξ and η, are isomorphic ξ~=η if there exists a homeomorphism

f : E (ξ) → E(η)

between the total spaces which maps each vector space Fb(ξ) isomorphically onto the corresponding vector space Fb(η).

Theorem 1. The bundle γn1 over Pn is not trivial, for n 1.

To prove this theorem, we first require the notion of a cross-section.

Definition 3. A cross-section of a vector bundle ξ with base space B is a continuous function

s : B → E (ξ)

which takes each b B into the corresponding fiber Fb(ξ). A common example is the cross-section of the tangent bundle of a smooth manifold M, which is usually called a vector field on M.

Definition 4. A cross-section is nowhere zero if s(b) is a non-zero vector of Fb(ξ) for each b. The cross-sections s1,,sn are nowhere dependent if for each b B, the vectors s1(b),,sn(b) are linearly independent.

Proof. Since a trivial 1-bundle has a cross-section that is nowhere zero, we wish to show that γn1 has no such cross-section. Let

s : Pn → E (γ1)

be any cross-section, and consider the composition

  n     n   n    1
S   → P  →   E (γn)

carrying each point x Sn to some pair

({�x },t(x )x ) ∈ E (γn ).

t(x) is a continuous real-valued function of x with the property that t(-x) = -t(x). Since Sn is connected, by the intermediate value theorem t(x0) = 0 for some point x0. Thus, s({�x0}) = ({�x0},0), and so γn1 is not trivial.

Now, we further motivate the importance of vector bundles with some significant results.

Theorem 2. An n bundle ξ is trivial if and only if ξ admits n cross-sections s1,,sn which are nowhere dependent.

Lemma 1. Let ξ and η be vector bundles over B and let f : E(ξ) E(η) be a continuous function which maps each vector space Fb(ξ) isomorphically onto the corresponding vector space Fb(η). Then f is necessarily a homeomorphism. Hence ξ is isomorphic to η.

3. Cohomology

With a great phonetic similarity to homology, cohomology groups also share similar axioms to homology groups. However, the benefit of computing cohomology groups is that the natural ”cup” product of cohomology groups provides an additional algebraic structure that can be more useful. Let us first begin with some definitions.

Definition 5. Given groups (A,) and (B,), a group homomorphism is a function h : A B such that for all x,y A, h(x y) = h(x) h(y).

The building blocks for these homology and cohomology groups lies in connecting spaces through homomorphisms in two similar, yet distinct manners.

Definition 6. A chain complex (A,d) is a sequence of abelian groups or modules ,A0,A1, connected by group homomorphisms (called boundary operators or differentials) dn : An An-1 such that the compositions of any two maps is the zero map (dn dn+1 = 0).

    dn-1       dn     dn+1
⋅⋅⋅← ---  An-1 ←-  An ←--- ⋅⋅⋅

Example 4. A1 = (,+) is the group of integers under addition
A0 = (2,+) is the cyclic group of integers mod 2 under addition
An = 0 is the zero group for all n ⁄∈{0,1}. d1(x) = x (mod 2)
dn(x) = 0 for all n1

                       mod 2
⋅⋅⋅0 ←  0 ← (ℤ∕2ℤ, +) ←----- (ℤ, +) ← 0 ←  0⋅⋅⋅

Since d2 d1(x) = d1(0) = 0, and dn dn+1 = 0 by inspection for all other n, this is clearly a chain complex.

The dual of a chain complex is appropriately named the cochain complex.

Definition 7. A cochain complex (A,d) is a sequence of abelian groups or modules ,A0,A1, connected by homomorphisms dn : An An+1 such that the compositions of any two maps is the zero map (dn+1 dn = 0).

    dn- 1  n dn   n+1 dn+1
⋅⋅⋅---→  A  -→  A    ---→ ⋅⋅⋅

Example 5. For any p 2
A0 = (,+)
A1 = (,+)
A2 = (∕p,+)
An = 0 for all n ⁄∈{0,1,2}
d0(x) = p × x
d1(x) = x (mod p)
dn(x) = 0 for all n ⁄∈{0,1}

                  ×p          mod p
⋅⋅⋅0 → 0 → (ℤ, +) --→ (ℤ, +) -----→  (ℤ ∕pℤ,+ ) → 0 → 0 → ⋅⋅⋅

Remark 1. Here are some clarifying remarks about (co)chain complexes:

4. Cohomology Groups

Now, we show how these groups can be computed in order to study topological spaces.

Definition 8. The nth homology group of a chain complex denoted Hn, is

H  =  -kerdn--
  n   im  dn+1

Definition 9. The nth cohomology group of a cochain complex denoted Hn, is

  n    kerdn
H  =  im--dn-1-

Example 6. Using the cochain complex example from above, we see that the kernel of d1(x) = x (mod p) is just the set p. The image of d1(x) = px is p. That means the quotient group H1 is

H1 = ker-d1=  pℤ-= pℤ
     im  d0   pℤ

Definition 10. The standard n-simplex is the convex set Δn n+1 consisting of all (n + 1)-tuples (t0,,tn) of real numbers with

ti ≥ 0 and t0 + t1 + ⋅⋅⋅+ tn = 1.

Simplices show up quite often in the study of geometric structures, and their visualizations are very friendly.

Example 7. The 0-simplex consists of just the one point x = 0 on the real number line 1.

Example 8. The 1-simplex consists of the line segment connecting the points (1,0) and (0,1) including the endpoints.

Now, let us build some fundamental concepts for characteristic classes.

Definition 11. A singular n-simplex in a topological space X is a continuous map σ from the standard n-simplex Δn to X, written σ : Δn X. The i-th face of a singular n-simplex σ is the singular (n-1)-simplex

σ ∘ϕi : Δ    → X

where the linear imbedding ϕi : Δn-1 Δn is defined by

ϕ (t ,...,t  ,t   ,...,t ) = (t,...,t  ,0,t   ,...,t ).
 i 0      i-1  i+1      n     0      i-1    i+1      n

We denote the set of all n-simplices in X as Sinn(X). Note that Sinn(X) = 0 for n < 0.

Definition 12. The singular chain complex of a topological space X, denoted (C(X),d) is created where Cn(X) is the free abelian group created by the basis Sinn(X) and dn : Cn(X) Cn-1(X) is dn(σ) = i(-1)iσ[v0,⋅⋅⋅ ,ˆvi,⋅⋅⋅ ,vn].

Definition 13. The nth singular homology group is the nth homology group of the nth singular chain complex.

Definition 14. The cochain group Cn(X;Λ) is defined to be the dual module HomΛ(Cn(X;Λ),Λ) consisting of all Λ-linear maps from Cn(X;Λ) to Λ.

Definition 15. The coboundary of a cochain c Cn(X;Λ) is defined to be the cochain δc Cn+1(X;Λ) whose value on each (n + 1)-chain a is determined by the identity

⟨δc,a⟩+ (- 1)n⟨c,da⟩ = 0.

Definition 16. The singular cohomology groups of X is defined as

Hn (X; Λ ) = Zn (X; Λ)∕Bn (X; Λ ) = (kerd)∕dCn -1(X; Λ).

We can think of Bn(X;Λ) as the coboundary of the cochain group Cn-1(X;Λ) which is a subset of Cn(X;Λ).

Remark 2. Cohomology groups are determined algebraically by homology groups. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Take a chain complex of singular, simplicial, or cellular chains.

  2. Take the homology groups of the chain complex, kerd∕im d.

  3. Replace the chain groups Cn by the dual groups Hom(Cn,G) and the boundary maps d by their dual maps δ.

  4. Then, the cohomology groups are kerδ∕im δ.

5. Stiefel-Whitney Classes

Finally, we have a sufficient understanding to grasp what characteristic classes are. Primarily, we are interested in various characteristic classes because they are used to measure vector bundles of a topological space using cohomology. To do this, we map the principal bundles of a topological space X to its cohomology classes. This mapping can be done in many different ways, but in this paper we will look at the Steifel-Whitney Classes.

Definition 17. Hi(B;G) denotes the i-th singular cohomology group of topological space B with coefficients in G.

For the Stiefel-Whitney classes, we give an axiomatic approach.

Axiom 1. To each vector bundle ξ there corresponds a sequence of cohomology classes

wi(ξ) ∈ H (B (ξ);ℤ∕2 ),i = 0,1,2,...

called the Stiefel-Whitney classes of ξ. The class w0(ξ) is equal to the unit element

1 ∈ H  (B (ξ);ℤ∕2)

and wi(ξ) equals zero for i greater than n if ξ is an n-plane bundle.

Axiom 2. (Naturality) If f : B(ξ) B(η) is covered by a bundle map from ξ to η, then

wi(ξ) = f*wi(η).

Axiom 3. (The Whitney Product Theorem) If ξ and η are vector bundles over the same base space, then

wk(ξ ⊕ η) =    wi(ξ)∪ wk-i(η).

Axiom 4. For the line bundle γ11 over the circle P1, the Stiefel-Whitney class w1(γ11) is non-zero.

Consequently from Axiom 2, we have the following.

Proposition 1. If ξ is isomorphic to η, then wi(ξ) = wi(η).

Proposition 2. If ϵ is a trivial vector bundle, then wi(ϵ) = 0 for i > 0. This is because there exists a bundle map from ϵ to a vector bundle over a point.

As a consequence of the Whitney Product theorem and the naturality axiom,

Proposition 3. If ϵ is trivial, then wi(ϵ η) = wi(η).

Proposition 4. If ξ is an n-bundle with a Euclidean metric which possesses a nowhere zero cross-section, then wn(ξ) = 0. If ξ possesses k cross-sections which are nowhere linearly dependent, then

wn -k+1(ξ) = wn -k+2(ξ) = ⋅⋅⋅ = wn(ξ) = 0.

Example 9. Using the standard imbedding of Sn n+1, the normal bundle v is trivial. Let τ be the tangent bundle of the unit sphere Sn. Then by the Whitney Product theorem, w(τ)w(v) = 1 and since v is trivial, w(v) = 1. Thus, w(τ) = 1. Therefore, the class w(τ) = w(Sn) is equal to 1, and τ is indistinguishable from the trivial bundle over Sn by Steifel-Whitney classes.

Theorem 3. The Whitney sum τ ϵ1 is isomorphic to the (n + 1)-fold Whitney sum γn1 γn1 ⋅⋅⋅γn1. Hence the total Stiefel-Whitney class of Pn is given by

                        (     )     (     )          (     )
w(P n) = (1 + a)n+1 = 1 +  n+ 1  a +  n + 1  a2 + ⋅⋅⋅+  n+ 1  an.
                           1           2                n

6. Applications and Examples

Definition 18. A smooth map f : M N between smooth manifolds is called an immersion if the Jacobian

Df   : DM   →  DN
   X      X       f(x)

maps the tangent space DMX injectively for each x M.

If a manifold M of dimension n can be immersed in the Euclidean space n+k, then the Whitney duality theorem implies that the dual Stiefel-Whitney classes are zero for i > k.

Let Pn denote the real projective space in n dimensions.

Theorem 4. If P2r can be immersed in 2r+k , then k must be at least 2r - 1.

6.1. Stiefel-Whitney Numbers. Stiefel-Whitney numbers allows for a comparison between the Stiefel-Whitney classes of two different manifolds. In studying manifolds, we consider the collection of all possible Stiefel-Whitney numbers. We say that two different manifolds M and Mhave the same Stiefel-Whitney numbers if

 r1     rn       r1     r1   ′
w1 ⋅⋅⋅w n [M ] = w1 ⋅⋅⋅w 1 [M ]

for every monomial w1r1⋅⋅⋅wnrn of total dimension n.

Theorem 5. If B is a smooth compact (n + 1)-dimensional manifold with boundary equal to M, then the Stiefel-Whitney numbers of M are all zero.

Theorem 6. If all the Stiefel-Whitney numbers of a manifold M are zero, then M can be realized as the boundary of some smooth compact manifold.

Corollary 1. Two smooth closed n-manifolds belong to the same cobordism class if and only if all of their corresponding Stiefel-Whitney numbers are equal.

7. Closing Remarks

To close, vector bundles themselves are quite fascinating, however it’s when we begin to construct groups with vector bundles that we see these magical algebraic properties of manifolds arise. Cohomology groups, while quite novel at first, do become a natural consideration. This is because we extract new relationships between spaces by way of the algebraic structure of cohomology classes of vector bundles. After the Stiefel-Whitney classes, there are many paths for further research after this paper. For example, one can explore vector bundles and manifolds in , which gives the added benefit of being algebraically closed. Then, one could study Chern classes and Chern numbers of a compact complex manifold.