Equivalence Relations on Algebraic Cycles

Nathan Stefanik
April 21, 2022
History and Motivation

History and Motivation

History and Motivation

History and Motivation

Algebraic Cycles

Let X be any variety defined over a field k.
Definition A cycle Z of codimension r on X is an element of the free abelian group generated by the closed irreducible subvarieties of codimension r of X. It is a finite formal sum ni[Vi] where ni are integers and Vi are subvarieties.

We denote by Cr(X) the group of all cycles of codimension r on X.

Algebraic Cycles

Let X be any variety defined over a field k.
Definition A cycle Z of codimension r on X is an element of the free abelian group generated by the closed irreducible subvarieties of codimension r of X. It is a finite formal sum ni[Vi] where ni are integers and Vi are subvarieties.

We denote by Cr(X) the group of all cycles of codimension r on X.

Algebraic Cycles

Let X be any variety defined over a field k.
Definition A cycle Z of codimension r on X is an element of the free abelian group generated by the closed irreducible subvarieties of codimension r of X. It is a finite formal sum ni[Vi] where ni are integers and Vi are subvarieties.

We denote by Cr(X) the group of all cycles of codimension r on X.

Algebraic Cycles

Let X be any variety defined over a field k.
Definition A cycle Z of codimension r on X is an element of the free abelian group generated by the closed irreducible subvarieties of codimension r of X. It is a finite formal sum ni[Vi] where ni are integers and Vi are subvarieties.

We denote by Cr(X) the group of all cycles of codimension r on X.

Algebraic Cycles

Algebraic Cycles

A Nice Example

Let r = 1. A cycle of codimension one is a divisor.
Definition Two divisors D1 and D2 on X are linearly equivalent if there exists a rational function on X such that D1 D2 = (f )0 (f ), where (f )0 denotes the divisor of zeros and (f ) denotes the divisor of poles.

Example Let Clin1(X) denote the group of divisors linearly equivalent to 0. Then, the quotient group C1(X)Clin1(X) is Pic X, the group of linear equivalence classes of divisors on X.

A Nice Example

Let r = 1. A cycle of codimension one is a divisor.
Definition Two divisors D1 and D2 on X are linearly equivalent if there exists a rational function on X such that D1 D2 = (f )0 (f ), where (f )0 denotes the divisor of zeros and (f ) denotes the divisor of poles.

Example Let Clin1(X) denote the group of divisors linearly equivalent to 0. Then, the quotient group C1(X)Clin1(X) is Pic X, the group of linear equivalence classes of divisors on X.

A Nice Example

For X = n, C1(X)Clin1(X)∼=.
Rational Equivalence

Definition Two cycles Z1 and Z2 of codimension r on X are rationally equivalent if there is a cycle Z on X × 1, which intersects each fiber X ×{t} in something of codimension r, and such that Z1 and Z2 are obtained respectively by intersecting Z with the fibers X ×{0} and X ×{1}.

Rational Equivalence

Definition Two cycles Z1 and Z2 of codimension r on X are rationally equivalent if there is a cycle Z on X × 1, which intersects each fiber X ×{t} in something of codimension r, and such that Z1 and Z2 are obtained respectively by intersecting Z with the fibers X ×{0} and X ×{1}.

Rational Equivalence is an Equivalence Relation

Rational Equivalence is an Equivalence Relation

Rational Equivalence is an Equivalence Relation

Algebraic Equivalence

Definition Let C be an irreducible curve, and a,b C be any two points. Two cycles Z1 and Z2 of codimension r on X are algebraically equivalent if there is a cycle Z on X × C, which intersects each fiber X ×{t} in something of codimension r, and such that Z1 and Z2 are obtained respectively by intersecting Z with the fibers X ×{a} and X ×{b}.

Remark Cratr(X) Calgr(X) Cr(X)

Algebraic Equivalence

Definition Let C be an irreducible curve, and a,b C be any two points. Two cycles Z1 and Z2 of codimension r on X are algebraically equivalent if there is a cycle Z on X × C, which intersects each fiber X ×{t} in something of codimension r, and such that Z1 and Z2 are obtained respectively by intersecting Z with the fibers X ×{a} and X ×{b}.

Remark Cratr(X) Calgr(X) Cr(X)

Algebraic Equivalence

Definition Let C be an irreducible curve, and a,b C be any two points. Two cycles Z1 and Z2 of codimension r on X are algebraically equivalent if there is a cycle Z on X × C, which intersects each fiber X ×{t} in something of codimension r, and such that Z1 and Z2 are obtained respectively by intersecting Z with the fibers X ×{a} and X ×{b}.

Remark Cratr(X) Calgr(X) Cr(X)

Other Adequate Equivalence Relations

Other Adequate Equivalence Relations

Further Study and Applications

Further Study and Applications
